Sunday, August 12, 2007

Starting a blog

I figured I should start a blog as a way to keep my activities up-to-date for all of my family and friends, and for myself, too. Sometimes I feel like I have such a boring, mundane know, working Monday-Saturday, week in and week out. I mean, it's August already and I feel like I haven't done many fun things yet this year. But it's not because I haven't done anything fun this year, because I have, but I think I just don't remember them as they're already stored away in the long-term memory section of my brain. Just a couple years ago, I used to be able to ramble off a list of 20 or more major fun things that I did in the previous 12 months. I could describe things like how hot/cold it was, what we ate and how it tasted, the exact thing I was doing at 8:07pm on a particular get the idea. But now it's different.

Maybe I do too much to remember it all now. Maybe that's what happens to you when you're finally all grown up. Or maybe I'm forgetting all this stuff from chlorine build-up in my brain -- maybe I should wash my hair more often. It may turn my hair kind of green and gross after a few days of back-to-back teaching days, but who knows, maybe it's seeping into brain and causing short-term memory loss. For example, a few weeks ago, I was reminiscing about our trip to Holden Beach, and I had to ask Rob, "When did we go to Holden Beach, and why?" Rob looked at me like I was crazy. We went on Memorial Day weekend and we went because we wanted to try out the pop-up tent trailer. Oh yeah! Now I remember. But really, if Rob hadn't told me, I would still be sitting here wondering when and why we went to Holden Beach.

So my goal is to post up my activities here, to let my descriptions be chock full of pictures and videos, for the enjoyment of my friends and family. I look forward to being able to reminisce about fun times by scrolling through my blog, without having to ask dumb questions to my husband, who gets them way too often at his job anyway.

Happy reading!

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