Monday, August 20, 2007

Agggh! Attacked by biting/stinging insects!

Sorry, no pictures to post on today's blog.

But I have the worst case of itch-itis from whatever it was that bit me on my Eno River hike on Saturday! The first thing I did this morning, even before scratching the crust out of the corners of my eyes, was slather a palm-full of Benadryl gel all over my body. Ahhh, now that's how you spell relief! Then I went about my day, scratching the crud out of my eyes, putting in my contacts and only then realizing, owww, Diphenhydramine Hydrocholoride Topical Analgesic doesn't mix well into eyes. D'oh!

I hope the chlorine in the pool makes it feel better. If not, I guess I'll try soaking in a tub full of Aveeno colloidal oatmeal stuff.

Scratch, scratch....grrr!

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